Remote Access to Mobile Field Equipment Banner
Remote Access to Mobile Field Equipment

The widespread adoption of the IIoT has led to many devices being brought online.

The need for centralised management of devices and the mandate to improve operational efficiency is driving the automation of communication networks, especially for long-distance communication. However, industrial operators must overcome several challenges to establish effective long-distance communication.

Among these challenges, cybersecurity, network reliability, and communication between networks are the top concerns. In addition, one must consider wiring and maintenance issues. Moxa's new LTE gateway, the OnCell G3150A-LTE, coupled with the OnCell Central Manager (OCM) tool brings you an efficient way to implement high-performance long-distance network applications, with ease.

The LTE gateway is easy to configure and comes with features that secure your communication channels, enable smart remote management, and provide reliable connections. The Open VPN Server gives remote access via iOS, Windows Linux Clients

ONCELL G3150A-LTE OpenVPN Client Configuration for Windows Systems

  • Remote access via iOS, Windows and Linux Clients
  • On board AT command texting
  • Open VPN Client
  • Open VPN Server
  • Simple setup with guide book
  • ESC self-installing software

Easy 3 Step Installation Guide

  1. Buy the MOXA-ONCELL-G3150A-LTE
  2. Download the Configuration Doc
  3. Download the Auto Install Scripts


For more information please call the MOXA team at ECS on 0800 849 2211 or use the contact enquiry form below.

Found in Automation

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