Every time you place an order with ECS, whether it be by Phone, Fax, Email or on our new EXPRESS eShop you will receive an order confirmation.
Our system automatically sends an email to you providing a link back to all the important order details.
Order Details:
- Who from ECS is taking care of your order
- A list of all the items you ordered
- Your unit price for each of the items
- An ETA on lead times for any backorders so you know when the goods are arriving
- Confirmation when your goods have been dispatched
- Track and trace ability for your shipment
- 24/7 access to this information
This feature is standard with every single order we process. As long as your contact details are on the order and your email address is in our system, then you can rest assured that we have your order. We believe this gives you the peace of mind you deserve when ordering products form ECS.