Updated: 15 February 2019

Tmax. T Generation
Low voltage molded case circuit breakers up to 1200 A UL 489 and CSA C22.2 Standard
Tmax is freedom. Freedom now reaching up to 1200 A with the new Tmax T7 circuit breaker. There’s a boundless and highly diversified world of differing types of installations, requirements, needs and problems from 15 to 1200 A. With the T Generation everything becomes simple and rational – eight sizes to find the solutions you’re looking for. BE FREE TO SIZE ANY TYPE OF INSTALLATION IN AN IDEAL WAY AT ALL TIMES. Thanks to the eight sizes and a complete series of magnetic only, thermal magnetic and electronic trip units. Also a wide range of accessories are available together with the possibility of selecting dedicated families for all market applications, even the most specific and advanced. BE FREE TO INSTALL ALL SIZES WITHOUT DIFFICULTY. T Generation is undeniably the family of molded case circuit breakers with the best performance/size ratio available on the market.