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Moxa - Pioneering Reliability Since 1987

Moxa's Industry-leading Serial Connectivity Solutions

For businesses seeking to maximize the benefits of serial data at field sites and improve operational efficiency, ensuring the availability of products, services, and software for the future demands of OT/IT convergence, partnering with a trusted provider is crucial. However, serial interfaces have been a reliable and cost-effective option for system communication in past decades, operators are now questioning how long they can continue using serial-based equipment as Ethernet communication is a key aspect of OT/IT convergence. Fortunately, solutions are available to bridge the gap between serial equipment and Ethernet networks. Here are three major ways in which we are shaping the serial connectivity ecosystem for the future.



Update Connection Interfaces

Our serial connectivity solutions include serial-to-USB, serial-to-fiber, serial-to-Ethernet, serial-to-wireless, and protocol conversions, therefore, keeping your serial devices connected with versatile communication interfaces and protocols.

Integrate Into Modern Systems

Our continuous investment in serial connectivity responds quickly to customer needs and market trends, including new products for emerging applications or new drivers for a variety of platforms.

Ramp Up Connectivity Security

Our serial-to-Ethernet solutions incorporate IEC 62443-4-2 standards. We have a variety of embedded security functions to enhance connectivity security for connected serial devices.

Industrial Connectivity Needs—Now and in the Future

The first step to enabling IIoT applications is to connect your previously unconnected industrial field devices and assets. Accomplishing this task requires an understanding of what kinds of OT assets you need to connect to and specific connectivity requirements, such as connecting OT assets to a local network or a cloud server. Since OT assets in industrial applications mainly use serial or I/O communication interfaces, understanding how to choose the right serial and I/O connectivity solutions is essential to enable industrial connectivity. Moreover, there are additional considerations you need to keep in mind when connecting OT assets to remote or cloud servers. In this chapter, you will learn how to choose solutions for serial connectivity, remote I/O connectivity, and IIoT device connectivity. 

Your Long-term Serial Connectivity Solution Provider

Moxa is highly committed to serial product development. Since 1987, Moxa has invested millions of dollars each year to develop innovative and user-friendly products to serve our serial partners. We now offer over 500 models of serial connectivity products, becoming the industry-leading serial connectivity solution provider. As your trusted serial partner, we commit to provide a variety of serial connectivity solutions to enable connectivity for legacy equipment to the year of 2030 and beyond. We are not only investing in developing new communication technologies and connectivity security capacity to fulfill future networking requirements, but also continue updating our existing product portfolio to make legacy devices easy to integrate with your modern systems. With our serial connectivity solutions, we take your serial devices to future networking easily and securely.


Learn More

Serial Device Servers (#1714)
Serial Device Servers

Serial Converters (#1708)
Serial Converters

Protocol Gateways (#1725)
Protocol Gateways

USB-to-Serial Converters/USB Hubs (#1721)
USB-to-Serial Converters/USB Hubs

Found in Automation

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