Future-proof Industrial Networking, with Moxa Banner
Future-proof Industrial Networking, with Moxa

Industrial Networks Are Evolving. Are You Ready?

According to IDC’s IT/OT convergence survey*, more than 30% of organisations are planning to integrate operational data from systems such as data historian software, industrial control systems, and asset management into their enterprise data governance model for the first time. Closed OT systems will need to move towards a more open OT architecture, which creates new challenges and breaks old models for operating and securing OT networks. Seamless and real-time network communication is the key to turning data into a valuable asset and to ensure continuous operations.

The Digital Transformation Is Accelerating

With the global impact of supply chain disruptions, the pandemic, and the push towards carbon neutrality, there is an urgent need to transform the way industrial organisations are running. Businesses across the globe are now beginning to see operational resilience as an imperative to maintain market share, avoid disruptions, and embrace innovation.

Many businesses are investing in digital transformation and technology to ensure operational resilience. For example, some are shifting towards remote operations while others focus on adding more predictive capabilities. Automation investments have also boomed as manufacturers navigate the complex and fast changing new landscape. Using digital technology, organizations can adapt quickly to changes in the networking environment.


Smoothen Your Transition to Future Networks

To meet future needs, businesses should not only focus on stable network connectivity, but also design the network to support seamless OT data connectivity. However, many companies hit a wall when trying to upgrade their industrial networks. To succeed and set yourself apart, you'll need the help of an expert.

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Struggling to develop network communications to support current and future needs?
Moxa's reliable hardware and software can support current and future seamless data transmission and integration needs to sustain continuous operations.
Having a hard time keeping your OT systems intelligent and secure at the same time?
Moxa's secure networking solutions will make it easier to protect OT networks from cyberthreats and maximize system availability.
Problems managing increasingly complex OT networks efficiently?
Moxa delivers intuitive software for simplified management to let you plan, manage, and maintain your network more easily.

Futureproof Industrial Networks

Robust network connectivity is important, no doubt. However, it should not be your sole focus, as you might miss out on opportunities for innovation that would let you stand out from the competition.

“Functional reliability” is an important concept that you should keep in mind when building futureproof industrial networks. It’s the idea that you should not only focus on stable and seamless network connectivity, but also design your network to support seamless data connectivity. By combining these two, you can incorporate intelligent functionality into your operations such as remote control commands and incident response mechanisms.

Looking ahead, digital transformation is the key to unlocking business growth. Industrial networks will evolve to adapt to this new direction. However, since this is unfamiliar territory for most businesses, there will be some hurdles to overcome as you shift towards this new generation of networking. With this guidebook, we want to provide you with some essential tips to help you futureproof your industrial networks.


Futureproof Your Industrial Networks With Reliability, Security, and Simplified Management

Facing the rapid growth of IT/OT converged applications, Moxa’s futureproof products help ensure both network and data connectivity to achieve continuous operations.

Image of EDS-4000/G4000 Series
EDS-4000/G4000 Series
  • 90 W PoE and 2.5 GbE connectivity
  • Modular power design for easier maintenance
  • 20 ms network redundancy to avoid communication loss
  • IEC 62443-4-2 certified to safeguard critical applications
Image of RKS-G4000 Series
RKS-G4000 Series
  • Cover demands of Fast Ethernet to full Gigabit industrial networks
  • Modular system with a wide choice of port speed and connector type combinations
  • High EMC immunity compliant with IEC 61850-3 / IEEE 1613
  • IEC 62443-4-2 certified to safeguard critical applications
Image of EDR-G9010 Series
EDR-G9010 Series
  • All-in-one firewall/NAT/VPN/router/switch with ten Gigabit ports
  • Examine industrial protocol data with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
  • Virtual patching and industrial intrusion prevention system (IPS) for threat defense
  • Centralised management and full security visibility with MXsecurity
Image of MXview
  • Visualise the network topology and status for maximum visibility
  • Real-time alert notifications to respond swiftly and minimize downtime
  • Easily manage and configure network devices remotely
  • Dedicated add-on module designed for wireless applications

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