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MOXA Simplify Connectivity for Mass Customisation

In order to achieve an uninterrupted manufacturing process that meets the demands of mass customization, reduce downtime is critical in this type of fully automated and connected manufacturing process. The ability to efficiently upgrade, troubleshoot, and maintain multiple machines remotely is key to prevent downtime. Protecting connected machines from internal and external threats is another key consideration. However, you will face challenges in performing remote maintenance and establishing IT-OT security collaboration. What if we can simplify connectivity for you to enable secure and reliable networks?

Connectivity Challenge #3.1

Establishing Multiple Secure Access Is Time-Consuming


  • VPNs require extensive IT knowledge. Setting them up is time-consuming and expensive for large-scope deployments
  • Installing an apparent legitimate RDC can cause security vulnerabilities

Connectivity Challenge #3.2

Overcoming Security Silos for Interconnected Systems


  • Single-point consideration without a system-wide view
  • Inexperience causes problems for management

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