Create a simple VPN for remote access in under 5 minutes with TOSIBOX

Secure connectivity, remote maintenance and network management. The simplest and most secure remote access solution is now available.

Secure connectivity is essential for remote access, remote maintenance, continuous monitoring, real-time data collection and data logging. TOSIBOX® helps you to harness IoT for your business.

With TOSIBOX® you can create a fully secure remote connection within minutes, and without special IT skills. It takes less than 5 minutes to deploy and it connects almost anything to any network without a need to open any firewall access. You can build and manage networks and IoT infrastructures with the easily expandable and timeless solution. 

TOSIBOX® solution consists of modular components that offer unlimited expandability and flexibility. All products are compatible with each other. The technology can also be integrated into OEM devices

  • TOSIBOX® Key is a client used to access the network.
  • TOSIBOX® Lock is an industry router sharing access to devices.
  • TOSIBOX® Virtual Central Lock is the platform for network and access rights management.


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